Thursday, October 10, 2013

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

So, I decided to play again last night. Played much better mentally.  Found myself in some, what I consider, tough spots.
I ran into Aces 3 times.  Of the three times, I put my opponent on Aces 2 of the three times.  I won one of the three.
I'm going to describe the three hands, plus one other hand that I found interesting last night.

The first time I ran against Aces, I was in the big blind with 10-5 off suit.  The villain min-raised from middle position when the blinds were 200-400.  It folded to me, so there was his 800, plus the small blind plus my 400 so it was 400 to win 1400 so I felt I was getting odds with plenty of chips behind me.  At Vision, where I play, the min-raise from middle position is almost ALWAY Aces. So, I was reasonably sure I was in bad shape, but felt at that price I could gamble a little.

The flop cam 10 7 3. So I flopped top pair and bet 1200.  He called.  Still convinced he had Aces's.  Turn was a 5.  And that's why we limped in.  I bet 2500.  He called.  River was a King.  Now I thought this may scare him a bit, because I can easily have K10 in this spot.  Before that came out, I don't think he could have put me on two pair.  I guess I could just as easily have 10 9 too, which may be why he didn't re-raise me.  So, I bet 4000 on the river and he called.  That was a nice hand.

The very next hand I was in the small blind with JJ.  Lady in MP limps in.  I raise to 1700 and she raises to 3400.  She's a bit harder for me to figure out just because of the way she was playing to that time, and I didn't immediately think Aces, because I just ran up against them.  I called.  The flop was 10 9 5 with two clubs.  I bet 2500, to see if maybe she had AK.  She min raised me again.  So there was my original 3400, plus her 3400, plus the BB and a couple other calls from preflop plus her 5k, so there was around 15,000  in the pot and it would cost me 2500 to win it.  At this point I whispered to my neighbor that I'd have to crack Aces again, and was pretty convinced of her hand.  So, I had 2 outs to win with two cards to come so I was a 9 to 1 dog getting 7 to 1 odds.  However, if I jack comes, I win all her chips I think.  Plus, if a queen or an 8 hits, I get a bunch more outs on the river.  Maybe terrible thinking, but that was my thought.  Plus there was still a small chance she had AK.  Turn was a 2.  Crap.  I check and SHE CHECKS!  Sweet.  Free swing at the river which was a King.  So, if she had AK she got there.  If she has Aces she's still there.  She bet like 10k and I fold showing my cards.  I don't usually show my cards but convinced her to show her cards, and she did have Aces.  I think I played that ok, but am unsure.  It was a fun hand anyway.

The final time I ran against Aces was the last hand of the night for me.  Blinds were 3k-6k and I had 30k behind me on the button.  Villain in MP raises to about 15k and I look down at AKoff. Villain was a bit tricky for me to put on Aces based on his play.  I wouldn't say he was loose or crazy, but he had a bunch of chips and I felt his range was any pair of 8's or better, all big A10+ and possibly KQ, KJ.  We were 7 handed.  It folded to me and I pushed and he insta-called and flipped Aces. I flopped a sweat with J 10 5 showing on the table.  A King on the turn gave me another 2 outs but nothing helped on the river and I was busted.
Both of the last two times I busted out, I had AK against Aces.  I guess that's kind of a cooler, but in the previous tournament, I think I could have/should have folded.  This time, I'm not so sure it would have been a good fold.  It wouldn't have been a bad fold considering, but I'm trying not to be results oriented.  I really did think I had a big chunk of his range beat and or racing, so with his 30k plus the 9k from the blinds I felt like I was OK there.

The last hand that I want to talk about was an interesting one where I kind of think I was in a tough spot.  I guess in retrospect it shouldn't have been but whatever.
I was under the gun with 77.  I raised 3x and was called by the button, the SB and BB.  The flop was 356 with two spades.  It was checked to me so I bet for like half the pot to somewhere around 2500.  BB calls, SB raises to 10 and BB pushes all in for around 30k!  WTF!  So, I'm looking at an over pair with a straight draw.  I've got two of the four top straight cards, so I had a difficult time putting anyone on a made straight.  I was thinking BB had a flush draw (he was pretty terrible and easy to read) and I figured both of the blinds to be in the set range (pocket 3's or 5') or maybe two 56.  I tried to convince myself that they are all on some kind of draw or looking at weak Ace territory (A plus a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 here maybe)  Plus, I was 100% sure that if I call, all 4 will be all in so 4 to 1 with an over pair and a inside straight draw can't be terrible can it?
But discretion being the better part of valor, I fold.  BB call for less and SB calls and has them both covered.
BB flips over two spades (King high), SB flips over 33 for a set and BB flips 74 for the flopped straight.  The river brings the the flush for the BB who takes the whole kit and caboodle.  I started with the best hand, but finished in 4th place!

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